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Training Courses

Manager Focused, Results-Driven

Training Courses: Services
In a Meeting

Project Management Fundamentals

This course is for those new to project management or who want to see a higher success rate. 

  • Common mistakes new Project Managers make and how to prevent them.

  • Understand the fundamental processes, documents, deliverables, and approaches to being a good project manager.

  • Knowing what your stakeholders really want.

  • The common reasons a project will go sideways and the steps to mitigate.

  • What experienced managers wish they were told when they started.

  • Managing risks, issues, bugs, and difficult people.

  • When to use Agile, Waterfall, Hybrid, or something else.

  • How to really use Microsoft Project in 3 hours (Add-on and additional cost)

What Great Project Managers Do

This course is for Project Managers with 3 + years of experience

  • How to increase the likelihood of success of your by 6 times

  • How to factor in Change Management

  • Time management for the Project Manager.

  • No matter your project methodology how to spot activities going sideways

  • What those who work on your team really want.

  • What we can learn from Andy Grove and Peter Drucker about Project Management.

  • Working with the team you inherit

  • Rescuing the troubled project - a proven methodology.

  • How to communicate with leaders and customers.

Startup Room
IT Consulting

What Great Managers Do

3 Day Course

  • Why do most people dislike their managers?

  • Management by the numbers

  • The Four Keys of Great Managers

  • Identify your strengths as a manager and how to use them to effectively manage.

  • Identify your team's strengths and understand how to leverage them for higher performance and satisfaction.

  • How to hire the right people.

  • How to assess performance and discuss compensation

  • Managing your team through change

  • Working with the team you inherit.

  • Where most managers stubble when it comes to time management.

  • Effective communication with leadership and customers.

  • Improve employee engagement.

Change Management

This course is designed to give managers tools and knowledge that can be quickly applied to any change effort.

  • Why Change Management efforts fall short.

  • The role of Change Managers and Sponsors.

  • What effective Sponsors do.

  • Change Management Frameworks.

  • Managing large organization changes.

  • Managing change in an Agile project.

  • Evaluate Organizational Readiness.

  • Conducting Stakeholder Assessments. 

  • Creating the Change Management Strategy.

  • Creating the Change Management Plan.

  • Working with Project Managers.

  • Executing the Change Management Plan.

  • Sustain the change within the organization and individuals.

Casual Business Meeting

How Great Managers Find and Hire the Best Talent

The course is for managers at all levels

  • What recruiters get wrong and set new hires up for failure.

  • What many managers get wrong about the position and set new hires up for failure.

  • Why organizations (hiring managers) can't find the people they need.

  • Why most job descriptions attract the wrong talent.

  • Effective interviewing techniques for hiring managers to get the best talent.

  • How to attract, identify, select, and hire talent.

  • Creating Employee Success.

Engagement and Motivation in the Workplace

How to be a manager that people want to work with and follow

  • Applying talent.

  • Conducting effective one-to-ones.

  • Motivation Frameworks, research, and data.

  • Why employees quit and how to prevent them from quitting when they still work for you.

  • Having tough conversations.

  • What employees really want.

  • What engagement models get right and wrong.

  • It's not all about dollars and ping-pong tables.

  • Designing jobs that motivate people..

Business Presentation

Time Management and Communicating with Leadership

This course is for all levels of management

  • Understanding and Recognizing Communication Cycles.

  • Communicating with Upper Leadership and Executives.

  • Organizing Your Message.

  • Building Effective Persuasive Communication

  • Running Effective Meetings with Leaders.

  • Running Effective Meetings with your Direct Reports.

  • What Many Managers Get Wrong with Time Management.

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